Project Managment
Haile-Manas Academy is a new private school in Debre Berhan, Ethiopia. The parent NGO requested a monitoring and evaluation plan and collegues from Teachers College worked as a team to complete this. The plan comprised sustainability, recruitment, and teacher training and was delivered to the school director. I authored the Logical Framework, developed some indicators of success, and completed the background research that enabled the narrative to be constructed. We completed this for the client within 6 weeks during Spring, 2020.
This proposal is for a large urban district seeking to slowly restructure their approach to teaching and learning. This Gannt Chart, Logical Framework, and narrative all promote stakeholder engagement, reflection, and critical dialogue inline with the client's request.

Language Instruction for Syrian Refugees in Lebanon
Compiled for QITABI-2 a USAID grant program to the Ministry of Education, Lebanon, this literature review analyzed how workshop literacy models could be integrated with socio-emotional learning and Universal Design for Learning to compliment public school instruction in Lebanon. This intervention targeted Syrian refugees in the Lebanese public school system. I gathered relevant literature and outlined aspects of workshop that could be implemented alongside practices that would increase access and engagement.

The National Strategy to Promote the Health of Honey Bees and Other Pollinators.
I authored the Department of Homeland Security's matrices for success within the national framework. These matricies are FEMA and DHS's guiding principles for polinator restoration. I liased between multiple agencies, departments, and offices therein to ensure that all stakeholders were engaged. This federal policy was reviewed at a Joint Meeting of the National Disaster Recovery Taskforce and approved by the National Security Council.